United We Stand Hand In Hand

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How Can I Win A Door Prize If I Don't Have A Computer


For those family members without electronics we will stick to traditional means for door prizes just for you, (which winners shall be announced at the Banquet in July) like always.

For further info, please see tab entitled "Door Prizes" or click this link to read Instruction No. (14): https://logan-powell-family-reunion.webnode.com/door-prizes/

Can You Please Explain The Fees Associated Herein

Please note that all "Fees" have been factored in to cover the cost of everything, from our catered food cost at "The Meet & Greet," "The Picnic," "The Banquet Hall," and "The Tee Shirts," as well as any and all other costs involved to run a smooth transition, albeit transactions over the internet or money sent in the mail. All cost from each family member's pocket shall be the same (even where fees are involved), and shall be distributed in some shape, form or fashion "evenly" across the board to where the (2014 Committee) manages to see fit and proper.  We shall do our best to keep the cost as low as possible. Should you agree or disagree, please trust we will do right by your funds to the best of our ability, management, and time, in an effort to show you a good time (and like all preceding reunions) to make you proud!

Also like always, any and all surplus of remaining funds shall be passed onto the trust and care of the succeeding committee.

How We Wish To Apologize In Advance

Please forgive us if we have offended you for making obsolete the former way reunions were communicated. We realize a lot of you were not ready for the way we just sprung it on you. We realize we have not catered to all the old traditional habits so many had grown accustomed to thru the years. We kicked the habit on you while you were not looking. SORRY ABOUT THAT!

That said, can you please be patient with us while we work the kinks out of cultivating a newfound way for effective reunion communication protocol and procedures? This is all new to everyone! And while we wish to apologize if we have offended anyone, we also wish to ask that you please go easy on the criticism and "giving us the business" for springing it on you like that. Let's see how this new route pans out before we become True "Naysayers." Try to work with us in our endeavors to push ahead electronically first. Then if it don't work, go ahead and Nay-Say-Away!!! Like have at it! But for now "IXNAY" with mediocrity! "IXNAY" with the old mental sedentary complacency! Let's put our family on the map! The world scene has moved on into an electronically wifi'ed era, and we shan't be left behind!

Once again, please accept our apologies in advance and please exercise patience with The Chicago 2014 Committee while we try something cool and new. We know it's not an easy road for some, but we know we will definitely get there with bells and whistles on, and when we do, we'll look up and see all the "Naysayers" being "Yay-Sayers!" This new form of communication can only make us bigger, better, stronger thru the years...Yaaaay! So Let's "WORK SMART...NOT HARD"!

Hugs & Kisses From CHICAGO!


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